Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bringing Religion Back

For about the last ten or fifteen years it has been popular among evangelical Christians to deny "religion." Many who have grown up in the evangelical church if asked what religion they were might answer something like, "I don't have any religion, just a relationship," or something else catchy like that. I hear this response, in one form or another, all over the place, from people in almost every denomination among the evangelical churches. This response has made me to ask two questions, which are the basis for this post. Why is it that the religious have turned their back on religion? And, Is it possible to be a Christian and not be religious?

I think the reason evangelical Christians have turned their backs on religion is because they do not understand religion. Religion has been abused. Religion has been used in such a way that it is no longer religion. False religion has been responsible for the starting of immoral wars, oppression of the weak, and the outcasting of those who do not look and act like us. Religion has in many churches developed into a false religion. It has become something which is done to get what "I" want, not something which is done to bring people closer to God. I think it is about time that instead of running from the word "religion" because it has been distorted, we need to bring religion back by repairing the parts of religion which have been broken.

This brings me to my second question, is it possible to be a Christian and not be religious? I would argue that it is not possible to be a Christian and not be religious. Before you think that I believe that salvation can be attained by anything other than the blood of Christ, continue reading. Let me give you a definition of religion from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, "Having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity." With that definition I again ask the question, "Can someone be a Christian and not be religious?" It is only possible that someone can be a Christian and not be religious if it is possible to be a Christian and not believe in God. Now, being religious does not make a person a Christian, a belief in any god or deity will not make someone a Christian. However, belief in the one true God will, and therefore it is only possible to be a Christian if you are also religious.

With these two conclusions for these two questions I think it is about time we bring religion back.

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