Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Is Jesus a Polygamist?

When the Church is wedded to Jesus will Jesus become a polygamist? Is he going to be wedded to one body or to separate bodies? Many Christians live as if Jesus is a polygamist. They do not see the Bride of Christ as one but as many. Think about it at a macro level we have the Catholics, the Orthodox Church and the Protestants. At a micro level each of these can be divided into many other groups, the Protestants the worst. Some might argue that these are just different expressions of the same Body of Christ, while others consider all who are outside of their tradition as heretics. I lean more toward the former. However, these divisive groups do not act as different expressions of the same Body. They ridicule each other, they condemn each other, they refuse to work with each other.

If Jesus were a polygamist there would be little problem to this division, but he is not. Jesus is monogamous. He is only to be wedded to one bride, the Church. Since Jesus is monogamous, it is about time the Church began acting like it. Congregations need to work beyond divisions and come together as the single Body of Christ.


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