Sunday, January 27, 2008

Politics in the Pulpit

Every four years churches across the States put their Father in subordination to the founding Fathers. Every four years the Bible is pushed aside for the Constitution and the bread and wine of Eucharist for the elephants and donkeys of Washington. Spiritual formation is put on the back burner for political fabrication. Every four years churches across America open up their pulpits for campaigning candidates. Churches who may not allow the preacher down the street to speak from their pulpit allow candidates who may not even be Christians speak from a holy place.

The allegiance of many of our churches is stronger towards the state than it is to the Church. How is it that the state has become more important than the Church? How is it that we do not make exceptions for non-essential theological issues, but make exceptions for political candidates? How is it that the Oval Office is able to trump the Heavenly Throne? It is not only the churches who allow candidates to actually preach (campaign) from their pulpits that are guilty of this allegiance to the state. Any church which "campaigns" from its pulpits are giving preference to the state. It is my hope that those who read this will think twice about allowing their churches to become more allegiant to the state than to God.

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